El golfista Sergio García y el tenista Rafa Nadal, dos de los mejores jugadores del mundo en sus respectivas disciplinas, compartieron campo de golf en las instalaciones del Club de Campo del Mediterráneo, en un torneo de carácter Pro-Am que sirvió para poner el punto de partida al 'Castellón Masters Costa Azahar'. García, número cinco del ranking mundial de golf, y Nadal, el número uno del mundo, disputaron el torneo formando equipo junto a Ana Patricia Botín, presidenta de Banesto y al torero Enrique Ponce. Nadal demostró buenas maneras sobre el campo castellonense y se llevó los elogios de 'El niño'. "Todos sabemos que Rafa es muy humilde, pero ha jugado muy bien", expresó el golfista, muy contento por poder compartir la experiencia junto al balear. El actual campeón olímpico de tenis comentó que sigue "muy de cerca" el golf porque es un deporte "que relaja". "Me gusta mucho el golf, lo sigo bastante y por suerte he conocido a los golfistas que me habría gustado conocer", declaró el manacorí, que aseguró que formar equipo con Sergio García ha sido "una experiencia impresionante". Sin embargo, pese a reconocer su afición, Nadal descartó dedicarse al golf cuando se retire del mundo de tenis. "En todos los deportes es complicado hacerse profesional, creo que mi juego no podría llegar nunca donde mis aspiraciones mentales quieren llegar, así que dudo que me dedique a esto profesionalmente algún día", explicó.
The golfer Sergio García and the tennis player Rafa Nadal, two of the best players in the world in their respective disciplines, shared golf at the Club de Campo in the Mediterranean, in a tournament Pro-Am character that served to make the point from the 'Masters Castellón Costa Azahar'. Garcia, ranked number five in the world of golf, and Nadal, the world number one, disputed the tournament as a team together Ana Patricia Botín, chairman of Banesto and the bullfighter Enrique Ponce. Nadal showed good manners on the field Castellón and took the praise of 'The child'. "We all know that Rafa is very humble, but has played very well," said the golfer, very happy for being able to share the experience along the Balearic Islands. The current Olympic champion commented that tennis is still "very closely" because golf is a sport "relaxing". "I love golf, so I am still pretty lucky and I have known golfers know that I would have liked," said manacorí, which asserted that forming a team with Sergio García has been "an amazing experience." However, despite acknowledging his fans, Nadal devoted to golf when he ruled out withdrawing from the world of tennis. "In all professional sports is becoming complicated, I think my game could not ever get where they want to reach my aspirations mentally, so I doubt that I dedicate this professionally someday," he explained
The golfer Sergio García and the tennis player Rafa Nadal, two of the best players in the world in their respective disciplines, shared golf at the Club de Campo in the Mediterranean, in a tournament Pro-Am character that served to make the point from the 'Masters Castellón Costa Azahar'. Garcia, ranked number five in the world of golf, and Nadal, the world number one, disputed the tournament as a team together Ana Patricia Botín, chairman of Banesto and the bullfighter Enrique Ponce. Nadal showed good manners on the field Castellón and took the praise of 'The child'. "We all know that Rafa is very humble, but has played very well," said the golfer, very happy for being able to share the experience along the Balearic Islands. The current Olympic champion commented that tennis is still "very closely" because golf is a sport "relaxing". "I love golf, so I am still pretty lucky and I have known golfers know that I would have liked," said manacorí, which asserted that forming a team with Sergio García has been "an amazing experience." However, despite acknowledging his fans, Nadal devoted to golf when he ruled out withdrawing from the world of tennis. "In all professional sports is becoming complicated, I think my game could not ever get where they want to reach my aspirations mentally, so I doubt that I dedicate this professionally someday," he explained
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