Sobran realmente los adjetivos para analizar el momento de Juan Martín Del Potro. El tandilense despejó las dudas sobre el potencial de su rival en París, el croata Mario Ancic, a quien despachó literalmente en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. El juvenil albiceleste debutó en la capital francesa con triunfo contundente ante Ancic, por 6-0 y 6-4, en una hora y 16 minutos de juego. Su sueño de acceder al Masters de Shanghai está cada vez más cerca y con este festejo quedó a un paso de lograrlo. Si hoy el campeón defensor, David Nalbandian, consigue una victoria en el debut ante el alemán Nicolás Kiefer se volverán a enfrentar. Dos por uno. La suerte de los otros dos compatriotas que ayer salieron a la cancha en el Masters Series de París fue muy distinta a la del pibe de Tandil. Tanto Juan Mónaco como Guillermo Cañas le dijeron adiós al certamen galo. Pico, quien venía con la moral por las nubes tras su rutilante victoria ante el ex número uno del mundo, el ruso Marat Safín, no pudo hacer pie y cayó con el local Gael Monfils, por un doble 6-4. Por su parte, Willy tampoco pudo continuar, luego de perder con también francés Florent Serra, por un ajustado 6-4, 5-7 y 6-3. Otra vez a la cancha. El socio deportivo del gigante Del Potro en la final de la Copa Davis ante España será Nalbandian pero en el circuito cada cual atiende su juego. Si hoy el cordobés avanza a la segunda ronda, los dos máximos exponentes para la Legión Argentina reeditarán el choque de los últimos días. Puede ser el tercer enfrentamiento entre ambos en apenas 10 días, luego del triunfo del juvenil noveno en el ranking en el Masters Series de Madrid y la revancha del unquillense en el ATP de Basilea. Compañero de lujo. En el torneo de dobles, Mónaco salió a la cancha con un coequiper famoso. Debido a la amistad desde juveniles, el número uno del mundo y el tandilense vencieron a los dueños de casa Nicolás Mahut y Paul Henri Mathieu, por 6-2 y 6-4. Además, hoy debutarán los máximos candidatos a la corona. El actual Rey del tenis, Nadal, se enfrentará el verdugo de Cañas, Florent Serra, mientras que Roger Federer lo hará con el suizo Robin Soderling. El escocés Andy Murray jugará con el estadounidense Sam Querrey.
----Plenty of adjectives to really analyze when Juan Martin Del Potro. The tandilense dispelled any doubts about the potential of its rival in Paris, Croatian Mario Ancic, who dispatched literally in a blink of an eye. The youth albiceleste debuted in the French capital with overwhelming victory to Ancic, by 6-0 and 6-4 in one hour and 16 minutes of play. His dream of access to the Masters in Shanghai is increasingly close and to this feast was one step away from achieving it. If today the defending champion, David Nalbandian, get a victory in the debut before the German Nicolas Kiefer will return to face. Two for one. The fate of two other compatriots who came to the stadium yesterday in the Masters Series in Paris was very different from the kid from Sunbury. Both Juan Monaco and Guillermo Cañas told him goodbye to the contest Gallo. Pico, who came with the morale through the roof after his brilliant victory before the former world number one, Russian Marat Safin, was unable to stand and fell with the local Gael Monfils, 6-4 for a double. For his part, Willy could not continue after losing to Florent Serra also French, with a tight 6-4, 5-7 and 6-3. Again the stadium. The partner's sports giant Del Potro in the final of the Davis Cup Spain will face Nalbandian in the circuit but everyone attends his game. If today the Cordoba progressing to the second round, the two greatest exponents for the Legion Argentina republish the shock of recent days. You can be the third clash between the two in just 10 days after the victory of the youth in the ranking ninth in the Masters Series Madrid and the revenge of unquillense the ATP Basel. Companion of luxury. In the doubles tournament, Monaco came to the stadium a coequiper with celebrity. Because of the friendship since youth, the world number one and tandilense overcame the homeowners Nicolas Mahut and Paul Henri Mathieu, by 6-2 and 6-4. In addition, the highest debut today candidates for the crown. The current king of tennis, Nadal will face the executioner of Reeds, Florent Serra, while Roger Federer will do so with the Swiss Robin Soderling. The Scot Andy Murray will play with American Sam Querrey
----Plenty of adjectives to really analyze when Juan Martin Del Potro. The tandilense dispelled any doubts about the potential of its rival in Paris, Croatian Mario Ancic, who dispatched literally in a blink of an eye. The youth albiceleste debuted in the French capital with overwhelming victory to Ancic, by 6-0 and 6-4 in one hour and 16 minutes of play. His dream of access to the Masters in Shanghai is increasingly close and to this feast was one step away from achieving it. If today the defending champion, David Nalbandian, get a victory in the debut before the German Nicolas Kiefer will return to face. Two for one. The fate of two other compatriots who came to the stadium yesterday in the Masters Series in Paris was very different from the kid from Sunbury. Both Juan Monaco and Guillermo Cañas told him goodbye to the contest Gallo. Pico, who came with the morale through the roof after his brilliant victory before the former world number one, Russian Marat Safin, was unable to stand and fell with the local Gael Monfils, 6-4 for a double. For his part, Willy could not continue after losing to Florent Serra also French, with a tight 6-4, 5-7 and 6-3. Again the stadium. The partner's sports giant Del Potro in the final of the Davis Cup Spain will face Nalbandian in the circuit but everyone attends his game. If today the Cordoba progressing to the second round, the two greatest exponents for the Legion Argentina republish the shock of recent days. You can be the third clash between the two in just 10 days after the victory of the youth in the ranking ninth in the Masters Series Madrid and the revenge of unquillense the ATP Basel. Companion of luxury. In the doubles tournament, Monaco came to the stadium a coequiper with celebrity. Because of the friendship since youth, the world number one and tandilense overcame the homeowners Nicolas Mahut and Paul Henri Mathieu, by 6-2 and 6-4. In addition, the highest debut today candidates for the crown. The current king of tennis, Nadal will face the executioner of Reeds, Florent Serra, while Roger Federer will do so with the Swiss Robin Soderling. The Scot Andy Murray will play with American Sam Querrey
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