La selección argentina de básquet se llevó la medalla de bronce en lso Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing tras superar claramente a Lituania por 87 a 75, en un partido que tuvo grandes aportes de Carlos Delfino -20 puntos-, Luis Scola -16- y Andrés Nocioni -14-, y que no pudo contar con la magia de Emanuel Ginóbili -lesionado en el tobillo izquierdo-.
The national team defeated Lithuania today by 87 to 75 and took the bronze medal in the Olympic Games in Beijing. The directed by Sergio Hernandez made a great game of the hands of Carlos Delfino, Andres Nocioni and Luis Scola. The selection argentina basketball took the bronze medal in Beijing Olympics lso after overcoming clear to Lithuania by 87 to 75 in a match that took large contributions from Carlos Delfino -20 points, Luis Scola -16 - and Andres Nocioni -14 - And that could not count on the magic of Emanuel Ginobili-injured left ankle.
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